Featured image of post orgmode 使用drawio 画图

orgmode 使用drawio 画图


下载的 drawio 的 deb 包,命令名字是 drawio ,而插件用的是 draw.io ,做一个软链接,可以解决org-drawio-open 的调用。插件自己的代码是在 win 上使用的,不太适合 gnu/linux 环境,显然没有进行过真正的适配和调试,有一些问题。做一些修改,现在适合在 linux 上面使用了。


有错误在 emacs 下如何调试

M-x edebug-defun 单步执行 emacs 函数。

M-x toggle-debug-on-error emacs 出错的时候进入 debug 。


高质量的插件是需要大量测试覆盖的,开源的东西没有有那么多精力把所有的细节都调整好,很多时候都是用户理解思路并做一些小的修改。add 函数是为了创建 drawio 的源文件并刷新。open 是为了调用外部的 drawio 应用。但是这两个函数都不适合 linux 下的环境。emacs 使用者的环境可以说千奇百怪。


(use-package org-drawio
  :commands (org-drawio-add
  :custom ((org-drawio-input-dir "./draws")
           (org-drawio-output-dir "./images")
           (org-drawio-output-page "0")
           ;; set to t, if you want to crop the image.
           (org-drawio-crop nil)))

(require 'org-drawio)

(defun lj/org-drawio-new-if-not-exist (dir file)
  "If a FILE or DIR not exsit, create an empty drawio diagram."
  (let ((path (concat dir "/" file)))
    (when (not (file-exists-p path))
      (when (not (file-exists-p dir))
        (make-directory dir))
      ;;(make-empty-file file dir)
       "<mxfile host=\"Electron\" agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) draw.io/24.1.0 Chrome/120.0.6099.109 Electron/28.1.0 Safari/537.36\" version=\"24.1.0\" type=\"device\">
  <diagram name=\"第 1 页\" >
    <mxGraphModel dx=\"2074\" dy=\"1203\" grid=\"1\" gridSize=\"10\" guides=\"1\" tooltips=\"1\" connect=\"1\" arrows=\"1\" fold=\"1\" page=\"1\" pageScale=\"1\" pageWidth=\"827\" pageHeight=\"583\" math=\"0\" shadow=\"0\">
        <mxCell id=\"0\" />
        <mxCell id=\"1\" parent=\"0\" />
       nil path)

(defun lj/org-drawio-open ()
  "Open .drawio file in current line of #+drawio keyword."
  (let* ((keyword-plist (org-drawio-keyword-string-to-plist))
         (dio-input (file-name-with-extension
                     (plist-get keyword-plist :input) "drawio"))
         (dio-input-dir (or (plist-get keyword-plist :input-dir)
         (_ (lj/org-drawio-new-if-not-exist dio-input-dir dio-input))
         (path (concat dio-input-dir "/" dio-input)))
     ;; ensure that draw.io.exe is in execute PATH
     ((string-equal system-type "windows-nt")
      (if (fboundp 'w32-shell-execute)
          (w32-shell-execute "open" path)))
     ;; TODO: need some test for other systems
     ((string-equal system-type "darwin")
      (start-process "" nil "open" "-a"
                     (or org-drawio-command-drawio
     ((string-equal system-type "gnu/linux")
        (set 'cmd0 (concat "drawio " path))
        (message cmd0)
        (my-sh-send-command cmd0)
      ;;(start-process "" nil "xdg-open"
      ;;               (or org-drawio-command-drawio
      ;;                   "draw.io")
      ;;               path)
     ((string-equal system-type "cygwin")
      (start-process "" nil "xdg-open" (or org-drawio-command-drawio
(defun lj/org-drawio-add ()
  "Convert .drawio file to .svg file, and insert svg to orgmode."
    (let* ((keyword-plist (org-drawio-keyword-string-to-plist))
           (dio-input-dir (or (plist-get keyword-plist :input-dir)
           (dio-input (file-name-with-extension
                       (plist-get keyword-plist :input) "drawio"))
           (_ (lj/org-drawio-new-if-not-exist dio-input-dir dio-input))
           (dio-page (or (plist-get keyword-plist :page)
           (dio-output-dir (or (plist-get keyword-plist :output-dir)
           (dio-output (plist-get keyword-plist :output))
           ;; if output file specified, use it, otherwise append page to it.
           (dio-output-svg (if dio-output
                               (file-name-with-extension dio-output "svg")
                              (concat (file-name-sans-extension dio-input)
                                      "-" dio-page)
           (dio-output-pdf (file-name-with-extension dio-output-svg "pdf"))
           ;; create output dir if non exist
           (_ (when (not (file-exists-p dio-output-dir))
                (make-directory dio-output-dir)))
           (script (format "%s -x %s%s/%s -p %s -o %s/%s >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
%s %s/%s %s/%s >/dev/null 2>&1"
                            (executable-find (or org-drawio-command-drawio "draw.io")))
                           (if org-drawio-crop "--crop " "")
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-input-dir)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-input) dio-page
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-pdf)
                           (or org-drawio-command-pdf2svg
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-pdf)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-svg)))
           ;; special handling, home path should not be backquoted
           (script (string-replace "\\~" "~" script)))
      ;; skip #+caption, #+name of image
      (if (org-next-line-empty-p)
          (progn (end-of-line) (insert-char ?\n))
        (while (string-prefix-p "#+" (org-current-line-string))
      ;; convert from drawio to svg asynchronously, thanks to twiddling
      (let ((process (start-process-shell-command "org-drawio" nil script)))
         process `(lambda (process event)
                    (message event)
                    (when (string-match-p "finished" event)
                      ;; trash pdf file
                      (delete-file ,(concat dio-output-dir "/" dio-output-pdf) t)
                      ;; refresh image
      (when (string-prefix-p "[[" (org-current-line-string))
        ;; when it is image link
        (kill-whole-line 0))
      (insert "[[file:" dio-output-dir "/" dio-output-svg "]]"))))

emacs 的画图

之前尝试过 emacs 用 tikz 来画图,比较麻烦。适合没事的时候边学边练,有了足够的熟练度之后才能享受到如臂使指。而 drawio 是一个上手难度极低,而且功能也足够强的一个工具。做为一个程序员,称手的工具很重要,但是更重要的是内功。



之前的插件是用的 svg 转 pdf ,后来使用发现在 emacs 当中使用 jpg 是更好的选择和方式,对插件的代码做了一下修改,如下:

;; drawio 这个插件不好用,试一下下面那个
(use-package org-drawio
  :commands (org-drawio-add
  :custom ((org-drawio-input-dir "./draws")
           (org-drawio-output-dir "./images")
           (org-drawio-output-page "0")
           ;; set to t, if you want to crop the image.
           (org-drawio-crop nil)))

(require 'org-drawio)

(defun lj/org-drawio-new-if-not-exist (dir file)
  "If a FILE or DIR not exsit, create an empty drawio diagram."
  (let ((path (concat dir "/" file)))
    (when (not (file-exists-p path))
      (when (not (file-exists-p dir))
        (make-directory dir))
      ;;(make-empty-file file dir)
       "<mxfile host=\"Electron\" agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) draw.io/24.1.0 Chrome/120.0.6099.109 Electron/28.1.0 Safari/537.36\" version=\"24.1.0\" type=\"device\">
  <diagram name=\"第 1 页\" >
    <mxGraphModel dx=\"2074\" dy=\"1203\" grid=\"1\" gridSize=\"10\" guides=\"1\" tooltips=\"1\" connect=\"1\" arrows=\"1\" fold=\"1\" page=\"0\" pageScale=\"1\" pageWidth=\"827\" pageHeight=\"583\" math=\"0\" shadow=\"0\">
        <mxCell id=\"0\" />
        <mxCell id=\"1\" parent=\"0\" />
       nil path)

(defun lj/org-drawio-open ()
  "Open .drawio file in current line of #+drawio keyword."
  (let* ((keyword-plist (org-drawio-keyword-string-to-plist))
         (dio-input (file-name-with-extension
                     (plist-get keyword-plist :input) "drawio"))
         (dio-input-dir (or (plist-get keyword-plist :input-dir)
         (_ (lj/org-drawio-new-if-not-exist dio-input-dir dio-input))
         (path (concat dio-input-dir "/" dio-input)))
     ;; ensure that draw.io.exe is in execute PATH
     ((string-equal system-type "windows-nt")
      (if (fboundp 'w32-shell-execute)
          (w32-shell-execute "open" path)))
     ;; TODO: need some test for other systems
     ((string-equal system-type "darwin")
      (start-process "" nil "open" "-a"
                     (or org-drawio-command-drawio
     ((string-equal system-type "gnu/linux")
        (set 'cmd0 (concat "drawio " path))
        (message cmd0)
        (my-sh-send-command cmd0)
      ;;(start-process "" nil "xdg-open"
      ;;               (or org-drawio-command-drawio
      ;;                   "draw.io")
      ;;               path)
     ((string-equal system-type "cygwin")
      (start-process "" nil "xdg-open" (or org-drawio-command-drawio
(defun lj/org-drawio-add ()
  "Convert .drawio file to .svg file, and insert svg to orgmode."
    (let* ((keyword-plist (org-drawio-keyword-string-to-plist))
           (dio-input-dir (or (plist-get keyword-plist :input-dir)
           (dio-input (file-name-with-extension
                       (plist-get keyword-plist :input) "drawio"))
           (_ (lj/org-drawio-new-if-not-exist dio-input-dir dio-input))
           (dio-page (or (plist-get keyword-plist :page)
           (dio-output-dir (or (plist-get keyword-plist :output-dir)
           (dio-output (plist-get keyword-plist :output))
           ;; if output file specified, use it, otherwise append page to it.
           (dio-output-svg (if dio-output
                               (file-name-with-extension dio-output "svg")
                              (concat (file-name-sans-extension dio-input)
                                      "-" dio-page)
           ;;(dio-output-pdf (file-name-with-extension dio-output-svg "pdf"))
           (dio-output-pdf (file-name-with-extension dio-output-svg "jpg"))
           ;; create output dir if non exist
           (_ (when (not (file-exists-p dio-output-dir))
                (make-directory dio-output-dir)))
;;           (script (format "%s -x -a %s%s/%s -p %s -o %s/%s >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
;;%s %s/%s %s/%s >/dev/null 2>&1"
;;                           (file-truename
;;                            (executable-find (or org-drawio-command-drawio "draw.io")))
;;                           (if org-drawio-crop "--crop " "")
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-input-dir)
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-input) dio-page
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-pdf)
;;                           (or org-drawio-command-pdf2svg
;;                               "pdf2svg")
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-pdf)
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
;;                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-svg)))

                      (script (format "%s -x -a %s%s/%s -p %s -o %s/%s >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
                            (executable-find (or org-drawio-command-drawio "draw.io")))
                           (if org-drawio-crop "--crop " "")
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-input-dir)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-input) dio-page
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-dir)
                           (shell-quote-argument dio-output-pdf)

           ;; special handling, home path should not be backquoted
           (script (string-replace "\\~" "~" script)))
      (message script)
      ;; skip #+caption, #+name of image
      (if (org-next-line-empty-p)
          (progn (end-of-line) (insert-char ?\n))
        (while (string-prefix-p "#+" (org-current-line-string))
      ;; convert from drawio to svg asynchronously, thanks to twiddling
      (let ((process (start-process-shell-command "org-drawio" nil script)))
         process `(lambda (process event)
                    (message event)
                    (when (string-match-p "finished" event)
                        ;;(message "haha")
                        ;; trash pdf file
                        ;;(delete-file ,(concat dio-output-dir "/" dio-output-pdf) t)
                        (sleep-for 0.5)
                        ;; refresh image
                        ;;(message "aoao")
      (when (string-prefix-p "[[" (org-current-line-string))
        ;; when it is image link
        (kill-whole-line 0))
      (insert "[[file:" dio-output-dir "/" dio-output-pdf "]]"))))
